
Alocasia Black Velvet / Queen Alocasia

Original price was: ₹800.00.Current price is: ₹499.00.

The Alocasia Black Velvet Care includes a warm and humid place with indirect light. Moreover, the soil should be well-drained and allowed to get dry between the waterings. You can propagate the plant by the division of the rhizome. Be aware and keep this highly toxic plant away from your pets.

Plant comes in 4″ Black plastic pot. Plant size 3″ to 5 Inch.

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Alocasia Reginula also known as Black Velvet or Jewel Alocasia is a relatively small Alocasia with big, lush, almost black leaves and contrasting, silver veins. The leaves of Alocasia Reginula look velvet-like but are a little rough to touch. This Alocasia grows only up to 30-40cm tall.

If you want to keep Alocasia Reginula happy, you must keep her in a very well aerated potting mix that dries out completely between waterings. The best mix would be very light on peat moss. but with addition of sand, perlite and bark. Water your Black Velvet deeply but infrequently. Jewel Alocasia’s are susceptible to root and basal rot infections especially when overwatered.

The plant sold is approximately20cm tall and it comes in a plastic nursery pot size 14cm.

Care Tips:

Light: Bright indirect light

Water: let the plant to dry out between waterings

Humidity: average

Soil: fast draining potting mix with a mixture of sand, perlite and bark


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