One of the nicest examples of a globe cactus is Notocactus magnificus. It is also known as the balloon cactus due to its round shape. The plant is classed in the genus Parodia, a group of plants primarily native to Peru, Brazil and Uruguay. These are sun lovers that should be kept moderately moist in most seasons but dry in winter.
Contrary to many gardener’s beliefs, a desert cactus does need water. In their native habitat, they get most of it during the rainy season and store moisture in the body. In cultivation, we must copy such conditions for a happy plant. Water deeply when the soil is dry to the touch when you insert a finger down into the soil. In the winter, provide only spare moisture once per month if necessary. The most common problem with such plants is root rot from too much moisture. Few pests will plague the plant but watch for mealybugs and certain boring insects. Repot the cactus every few years. Balloon cactus prefers a container only a bit larger than its diameter. This is an easy plant to grow and will provide you with years of maintenance free delight.
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