
Bromeliad – Neoregelia ‘Tigrina’ 5″pot


A Tropiflora hybrid by Ray Coleman, 2005 (‘Cereza’ f2 x carcharodon ‘Silver). An open rosette to 30 inches across with 3 inch wide, stiff leaves bearing large marginal spines. Medium green leaves blush pink overall, with red tips and even, cream colored striation. The leaves have an overall gray wash, with some faint dark banding below. A light red center flush occurs when blooming. Named to honor Hilo, Hawaii bromeliad breeders/growers David and Sherlette Shiigi.

Light: Indirect light or moderate shade. For more color, place neoregelia in more filtered sunlight. This bromeliad typically does not like direct light and will cause a burn. For indoors, use a place with strong sunlight. Outdoors find a shadier place with less direct sun. The afternoon sun is the hottest and most direct, find a place with morning or late afternoon sun.

Water: Water in the center cup, make sure the cup never dries. Prefers rainwater. If the water becomes stagnant, empty out and refill on a weekly basis. Avoid tap water as it causes mineral buildup.

Temperature: Somewhat more cold hardy, but prefer 55ºF or higher. They can survive to 40ºF. High temperatures will not harm the plant but will effect the color.

Soil: Often cultivated on the ground as a bedding plant, use a very well drained soil. To use as an air plant, climb a tree and fasten using New Zealand or “orchid” moss. Use very little fertilizer for better color.

Humidity: Prefers humidity, if in a drier climate, try misting the bromeliad. Neoregelia’s  have the highest tolerance of the bromeliads for humidity.

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