Calla Lily / Zantedeschia


The calla lily Zantedeschia is an extraordinary flower. This beautiful plant, available in a multitude of yellow colour,  grows from rhizomes and is ideal for use in beds and borders. You can also grow calla lilies in containers, either outdoors or in a sunny window as houseplants.


Pot size 6” and plant dimension is 22” inches tall.


Easy to grow calla lily. These plants do not generally require too much attention. Location of the plant is important things to consider when growing calla lilies.


Care of calla lilies requires well-drained soil.


They prefer to be in full sun or partial shade in warmer climates.

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The calla lily Zantedeschia is an extraordinary flower. This beautiful plant, available in a multitude of yellow colour,  grows from rhizomes and is ideal for use in beds and borders. You can also grow calla lilies in containers, either outdoors or in a sunny window as houseplants.

Pot size 6” and plant dimension is 22” inches tall.

Easy to grow calla lily. These plants do not generally require too much attention. Location of the plant is important things to consider when growing calla lilies.

Care of calla lilies requires well-drained soil.

They prefer to be in full sun or partial shade in warmer climates.


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