Chilli Plant


Chilli is the fruit of plants from the genus Capsicum, and members of the Solanaceae family. There are many varieties of chilli plants, some of which are the hottest peppers known. They can be herbaceous or shrub-like but are branching with green-brown stems and simple oval leaves. The plants produces flowers with five petals, usually white in colour. They are found mostly in Britain, Australia, South Africa, India and other Asian countries.

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DISCLAIMER Please Bear in Mind That Plant Image May Slightly Different From Actual Plant in Terms of Color Due to the Lighting During Photo Shooting or the Monitor's Display

Sunlight: full sun- around 6-8 hours of direct exposure to sunlight.
Chilli plants can be grown indoors with proper sunlight and suitable watering, which will also make it look appealing as an indoor plant.
Water: moderately- whenever the top one-inch of the soil feels dry.
Sowing season: late winter to spring.
Sowing method: Sowing chilli seeds in a greenhouse requires warmth and a long period of time to fruit. They need an optimum germination temperature between 27°C-32°C and loam-based soil or compost for good drainage.


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