Day blooming Brahma Kamal Miniature


Brahma Kamal is the name of a species of flowering plant found mostly in the Himalayas.
Brahma Kamal is also known as Saussurea Obvallata.
These flowers belong to the thistle tribe of plants.
They are also found in many places in and around India.
These flowers with bloom in the day time.

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Growing tips for brahma kamal are:

1.The plant usually grows from cuttings. The leaves of the plant are flat and thick. The stem is almost covered by the leaves. The flower emerges from the leaves.

2.The plant must be planted just before winter. It is used to growing in the chilly Himalayan region, so a bit of favourable cold weather will help it grow better.

3.To grow this flower you need plenty of indirect sunshine and, a very fertile but rocky soil. We are not talking about the deeply silted soil of the lowlands but rough mountain soil. The soil needs to be well draining soil so that it retains minimum water.

4.As the Brahma Kamal is a type of cactus, it does not need too much water. You must water it once in two to three days unless you are in a really dry place. Never over water this plant as it will get water logged and die.

5.This plant will never grow too tall. It remains at the height of a shrub for years. Once it achieves its full height you can make cuttings out of it and plant them in separate pots.

6.The Brahma Kamal is a night flowering variety of plant. The blooming begins some time in the late evening and the flower reaches its full bloom during or after 10 pm at night. So if you want to get lucky, be awake to see it bloom.


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