Daylily – Hemerocallis


Daylily, any plant of the genus Hemerocallis of the family Hemerocallidaceae.  Daylilies also have fleshy roots and narrow, sword-shaped leaves that are grouped at the base of the plant. Daylilies are perennial plants, whose name alludes to its flowers, which typically last about a day. The flowers of most species open in early morning and wither during the following night, possibly replaced by another one on the same scape the next day.

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Although early spring or early fall are the best time for planting daylilies, you can plant them successfully if you can dig the hole. Caring for daylilies begins with planting. If your soil is sandy or heavy clay, amend it with plenty of organic matter. In discussing how to grow daylilies, it should also be noted that they prefer slightly acid soil, but again, are adaptable. Choose a site where your growing daylilies will receive at least six hours of sun. Morning sun is best, particularly in warmer areas where the blazing afternoon sun can scorch the leaves. Here again, these hardy plants will grow with less, but blooming won’t be as prolific. Cut the foliage back to 6 inches (15 cm.). Dig your hole twice as wide and deep as the root spread. Place the plant so the crown (the part where the roots meet the stem) is about 1 inch (2.5 cm.) below ground level. Fill in the hole with your amended soil and water well. After planting daylilies, keep them well watered for a few weeks until the roots are established.


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