
Dischidia Plant

Original price was: ₹350.00.Current price is: ₹299.00.

Dischidia plants belong in the milkweed family. Broken stems ooze milky latex sap and the plant often grows aerial roots. Dischidia pectenoides is the type most commonly grown and produces tiny red flowers and pouch-like leaves. It is inside these modified leaves that the ants make their home.

Pot size: 3-4 inch

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Allow the planting medium to dry out before you water the plant. They are used to getting moisture only from dew and the air, and cannot tolerate boggy media. When the bark medium is dry to the touch, submerge the container in water until air bubbles are gone. Ant plant also needs high humidity. Mist the plant every day or place the container on a saucer filled with pebbles and water. The water will evaporate and moisten the air while the pebbles will hold the sensitive roots out of the water. Dischidia doesn’t really need fertilizer but you should change the planting media every year. If you wish, apply a diluted by half liquid plant food when you water beginning in spring and stopping by September.


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