Peperomia Rosso – With Ceramic pot


The Rosso Peperomia plant grows to be about 8″ inches high and wide. The dark green, deeply corrugated, heart-shaped, wrinkled leaves grow at the ends of long stems.

Rosso peperomia does best with bright, indirect light.

It can do well in partial sun or with either morning or evening sun, but it does not tolerate full, direct sun.

Fluorescent lighting is an excellent choice when growing these easy care indoor plants.

Always water from below and allow the plant to soak up all the water it needs.

Then allow the excess water to pour out of the drainage holes before setting the plant in a saucer.

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DISCLAIMER Please Bear in Mind That Plant Image May Slightly Different From Actual Plant in Terms of Color Due to the Lighting During Photo Shooting or the Monitor's Display


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